Monday, December 13, 2010

Meet The Healing Horses...

"Aria's Black Magic"  
"Aria" or "Prin"
Morgan/Foundation Quarter Horse
BIO:  We were told Aria was a National Team Penning Champion in her former career. It is suspected that in that line of work, she sustained an injury to her pastern joint, triggering an acute case of ringbone.  We met her as an abandoned horse being used for horseback riding lessons to cover her board payments thus securing her a home.  A versatile partner thru and thru, she even mastered up to Third Level Dressage.  However, the ringbone in her front R leg was rendering her incapable of working for her keep.  She had no hope for survival unless she underwent a costly surgical procedure to fuse her pastern joint.  The founders of The Healing Spirit Foundation paid her back board, adopted her and funded her surgery.  She is still with us today.  
Aria is the Mascot, Grande Dame and spearhead of The Healing Spirit Foundation.
Aria is currently healing from a suspensory ligament tear, common amongst older equines.

"Angie's Cookies n' Cream"  
 "Angie" or "Angelina Jo-lick"
Quarter Horse/Lipizzaner
BIO:  Angie first participated in The Healing Spirit Foundation activities as a lesson horse.  The Healing Spirit Foundation leased her when her loving owner became saddled with too much schoolwork to give her the attention she needed.  Her owner moved and was forced to sell Angie but was having difficulty finding a buyer as, for prospective buyers, Angie was exhibiting behavioral problems:  She would bite at her leaders on the ground, rear upon entering the arena, run her mounted riders into walls in attempts to dismount them or she would simply sit down with her riders on her back and refuse to move no matter how much she was struck.  After responsible discussion & negotiation between the founders of The Healing Spirit Foundation and Angie's owner, it was decided The Healing Spirit Foundation would pay a reduction of Angie's purchase price, affording her a safe haven and a secure forever-home.  (On her behalf, we like to humorously note that Angie displayed only a fraction to none of this behavior while under lease and giving lessons with The Healing Spirit Foundation.  We often joke that she had chosen her forever home long before the "For Sale" sign was tacked to her door!)
Angie is currently being treated for cervical arthritis and resumes teaching students how to ride in January 2011.

"Kern's Rocket Show/Flash Gordon"  
"Flash, Gordy" or "Bubba"
AQHA~Quarter Horse 
BIO:  Flash came to The Healing Spirit Foundation a victim of innocent and not-so-innocent handler mistakes.  With no puns intended, Flash is an anxiety ridden people-pleaser when it comes to being mounted.  He demands a quiet, detailed rider who is also capable of a  very specific, strict, regimented and disciplined routine.  He has a short fuse for confusion and manhandling.  Most of these qualities are surmountable, but for one variable - Flash will, 100% guaranteed, burst into rodeo bronc bucks when mounted if his regimen is not adhered to.  Many trainers and cowboys have presumed to have the cure-all method for breaking Flash, casting off his only proven regimen, only to find themselves cast off instead - in mid-air.  Out of love and compassion for Flash's protection, his owner asked The Healing Spirit Foundation to adopt him and ensure him a safe and structured forever-home.  
Until we have enough volunteers to uphold his regimen for riding, Flash maintains a less stressful career as a 4-H project Halter Horse and EAGALA Team Member.

"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"  
Thoroughbred/poss. Warmblood mix
BIO:  Lucy is a re-tread with The Healing Spirit Foundation.  In fact, Lucy was the 1st horse/project "turned-around" by our founder, Carla Jo Bailey.  Lucy came to The Healing Spirit Foundation having been beaten in the face with pitchforks at the racetrack where she resided.  We were called and told that "...if we could catch her we could keep her" as she, understandably, attacked anyone who would come near her stall.  We caught her and verrrrrry slowly rehabilitated her faith and trust in people.  She still has a way to go when it comes to her stall stability & being confined, but she more than makes up for it in her kind, gentle, trustworthy way when mounted - with even the smallest of riding students. 
Lucy had found a loving home but while there sustained two dramatic injuries on two separate occasions.  The first  accident rendered her R hind lymph node destroyed & she now lives  with lymphangitis.  The second injury occurred when her hind legs became caught in a coil of razor wire while on a trail ride - after healing, an abcsess had formed beneath her scar, but she is healing.   She was returned to the founder of The Healing Spirit Foundation & we are happy to welcome her back to her now forever-home. 
Lucy is currently on lay-up from riding lessons after a discovery of reverse-palmar angles in her front feet is being treated.

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